
We work with patients living in New York, Minnesota, and Texas.

Difficulty with understanding and using language to communicate.

What to look for:

  • Difficulty understanding what is being spoken, or while reading
  • Difficulty formulating sentences to express wants, needs and thoughts
  • Difficulty participating in conversations
  • Difficulty following directions
  • Difficulty planning, sequencing, and performing tasks
  • Memory deficits
  • Difficulty asking and answering questions
  • Difficulty with stating names/words and/or meaning of words
  • Difficulty sustaining attention
  • And more

Difficulty producing speech sounds correctly.

What to look for:

  • Substituting another speech sound for the correct speech sound
  • Omitting the sound altogether and/or distortion of the speech sound

Speech consists of repetitions, blockages and prolongations during communication.

What to look for:

  • Repetitions, blockages, and prolongations of syllables, part of words, whole words, phrases, and/or sentences
  • Uncontrolled movements of the body while talking
  • Noisy breathing, clicking sounds, and/or poor eye contact during communication

Affects the production of the speech sounds.

What to look for:

  • Hoarse/harsh/strained voice
  • Nasality
  • Effortful speech
  • Breathy speech
  • Monotone speech
  • Speech is too loud or too quiet
  • Speech is too fast or too slow
  • Mumbled/garbled/muffled/ speech
  • Distorted speech
  • Slurred and/or difficult to understand speech

Difficulty eating and drinking.
what to look for:

  • Holding solids and liquids in the mouth
  • Chewing for an extended amount of time
  • Difficulty manipulating and coordinating solids and liquids in the mouth
  • Drooling or leakage of solids/liquids in the mouth
  • Coughing during and/or after eating and drinking
  • Choking
  • Dehydration
  • Malnutrition
  • Wet/gurgle vocal quality
  • Aspiration of solids/liquids (entering the airway)

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